Marketing is one of my favorite things about being a librarian! During quarantine being savvy with marketing has become a necessity for getting our patrons in the virtual door. Social media has been a life saver for marketing our digital resources to patrons. I've been posting daily recommendations on Instagram and Facebook, using screen shots of books we currently have available on Hoopla and OverDrive. This is the first time I've been active with Instagram and Facebook stories and I probably won't go back because it's so fun!
Once the library opens back up, our department will most likely need to refresh our display shelves, which has been a huge attention grabber for us in the past. Our librarian in charge of the displays updates our "Fresh Off the New Shelf," weekly with books that have migrated off our "New Shelf" downstairs. The same shifting happens in the circulation department with fiction titles. Most of the time our librarians will choose a theme shelf as well, usually related to a holiday, a special month, such as African American history or Women's History, and seasons. There's always an eye catching sign and title to go along with it.
Another of my favorite ways to market is a printed bookmark or newsletter with book recommendations. Patrons who don't read reviews or look on social media aren't always aware of what is available to them. Promoting books on physical material that a patron can grab on their way out of the library can have a great effect on circulation and patron satisfaction!