Monday, February 12, 2024

Review: The Guests

The Guests The Guests by Margot Hunt
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

Thank you to Booklist and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC and the opportunity to review this title.

Jan. 2024. 304p. Amazon/Thomas & Mercer, paper, $16.99 (9781662514302); e-book (9781662513145).
REVIEW. First published January 1, 2024 (Booklist).

When Category 5 Hurricane Celeste hits the Florida coast, Marlowe and Lee Davies decide to stay put with their children instead of evacuating; their grand house has been fortified against storms. Moments before they secure themselves inside though, a boat carrying three strangers appears. Against their better judgment, the Davieses invite the strangers to wait out the storm with them. While initially everything seems fine, the atmosphere soon turns hostile, and the real intention of the strangers is revealed. Out of options, the Davies family must fight for their lives, both inside and outside their home. Hunt (Lovely Girls, 2023) spins a phenomenal thriller that will keep readers on their toes. Changing points of view keep the plot moving at a brisk pace and allow for backstory to filter in, adding context. The tension is palpable throughout, perpetuated by the unknown consequences that the hurricane’s eventual end will bring. Recommended for readers who enjoy thrillers with family elements, such as books by Sally Hepworth, Lisa Jewell, and Stacy Willingham.

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