Thursday, February 20, 2020


I am not ashamed to admit that once I find out a book has been adapted into a movie, it becomes significantly more appealing to me. I'm a visual learner. I LOVE seeing characters come to life on a screen, even if the movie isn't as good. Using move tie-ins could be a useful tool in enlightening our patrons about some of our romance titles and authors. The great thing about this idea is there are SO many to choose from! There are several ways to go about this kind of display. Two of my favorite ways are placing the book and the movie together or using a fun gimmick like "Bookflix." Here are some examples:

Image result for romance book and movie library display     Image result for romance book and movie library display


  1. Carmen, this is a great idea!! I like that it seamlessly folds in multiple readalikes. You can also have fun customizing the genres, the way Netflix does. "Featuring Strong Female Lead," anyone?

  2. I really like this idea! I bet there are a lot of patrons who also start to find a book more appealing after they hear it has been adapted into a movie and may want to read it before seeing the movie (or after seeing the movie, depending on their preference). I think making a display like the top one would work really well for promoting books that fall into that category, particularly if copies of books correlating to the most current movies were located on the top shelf of the display to catch patrons' attention.

  3. I am the same way! Once I find out it's going to be a movie or TV show I HAVE to read it. I love the bookflix idea. Full points!
