Sunday, March 15, 2020


Image result for scythe book cover

When I got invited to join a book club whose next meeting was all about Neal Shusterman's Scythe, I knew I had to check it out. I am currently reading the third book in the series, The Toll and have enjoyed every moment of Shusterman's world. The first time I read the summary of Scythe back in 2016, it didn't sound like something I would enjoy but I'm glad I took a chance. I can't recommend this series enough! Check out a summary of Scythe here and details about my book club experience below!

Image result for book club memes

My friend and coworker, Allison, has been inviting me to her book club since I worked with her at EPL in 2016. Every time, and I'm NOT making this up, EVERY. TIME. she invited me, I had something else going on. Ironically, that was the case today as well. My brother, who has lived in Baltimore for the past two years, is drove all of his belongings and his dog to Elkhart AND it's his birthday. Luckily for me, the drive from Baltimore to Elkhart takes at least 9 hours, so it freed up enough time for me to join the Scythe discussion...or so I thought.
When I started writing this post, COVID-19 hadn't taken over our day to day lives yet. Unfortunately, the book club was postponed. So, I've decided to describe what I know about the book club and can hopefully update this in a few weeks when I get to attend my first meeting. I unfortunately won't get the chance to dive into Scythe with the group because I will be out of town celebrating my 1st wedding anniversary...yeah, I wasn't kidding when I said something ALWAYS comes up. 

Okay, here's what I know: the book club meets every other Sunday at 12p.m. in a used bookstore called The Bookworm, located on Main Street in downtown Elkhart. Fun fact: I used to visit The Bookworm almost every weekend as a teenager because it's original location was on the street where I lived at the time, about 5 or so blocks away from it's current, and much nicer, location.

The group takes turns when it comes to picking the book they read. They choose books that are readable in the 2 week time period. The genres vary but based on past reads, they seem to choose newer books with a mysterious or adventure plot. Past reads include Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King, Circe by Madeline Miller, and Don't You Cry by Mary Kubica. The next book they've chosen is The Institute by Stephen King, which is on my list so I'm stoked!

The group has a founding member but not a leader. Whomever choses the book is the member who leads the questions during the meeting. The Bookworm is also a public book store so drinks are not provided but members are allowed to bring their own snacks or drinks if they wish.  
I am very excited to get the chance to be a part of this group! I'll post an update when I attend for The Institute. Fingers crossed something else doesn't come up...

1 comment:

  1. This series has fantastic covers! Love the colors. Hope you are able to go to the club eventually! The same thing happens to me with a friend inviting me every month to her feminist book club. I've even read most of the books already! One of these days I will be able to make it...
