Saturday, April 4, 2020

Ebooks & Audiobooks

The Best Book & Reading Memes – That Help Justify Your Love For ...

I've always been the first person to defend reading a physical book over a digital one...until I had to travel for work and reading for pleasure became something I hardly ever had time for. I decided to try an audiobook--Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone read by Jim Dale--and I never went back. Even now, when I get to read for a living, I still turn to audiobooks.

Listening to audiobooks has allowed me to read more and have encouraged me to try genres I wouldn't normally be interested in. As I'm writing this post, I'm listening to the 3rd installment of Lauren Willig's The Secret History of the Pink Carnation, a delightful historical romance series I picked up for this class. The reader, Kate Reading, is wonderful and she is one of the many reasons I have continued through this series. The narrator, for me, and I'm assuming others, can make or break an audiobook. Jim Dale, who narrates all seven books in the Harry Potter series, did set the bar pretty high for other audio actors. Readers that are able to do different accents, tones of voice, etc. really can add to the experience the reader gets when reading. Books with a full cast of readers, such as Taylor Jenkins Reid's Daisy Jones and the Six, almost give the reader the experience of a live play. It's a fantastic way to digest a story.

Another reason for the benefit of audiobooks, and in this case ebooks as well, is the convenience. Digital materials are more portable and available with the invention of iPads and Kindle Fires, as well as apps such as OverDrive and Hoopla. If a patron wants to start a new book at midnight on a Saturday night (wait, is that just me?), they don't have to wait until Monday morning to feel satiated. As much as we want patrons to come into the library physically, our goal in the long run is to promote literacy and love of reading. Digital materials are helping us make that happen.


  1. I had almost the exact same journey with audiobooks- they're so amazing! Do you listen to audiobooks on CD or e-audiobooks? I love being able to speed up e-audiobooks and carry them around on my phone. Also, your point about wanting to start a new book at midnight on a Saturday is so fantastic- I am Such an impulsive reader and ebooks/e-audiobooks are lifesavers. Especially for series/cliffhangers! Besides, I'm sure there are plenty of people who will still come into the physical library once it opens on Monday, but that available ebook will be a huge help in the meantime. Great post!

    1. Agreed! It depends. I usually stick with CDs for my car and something on Hoopla or OverDrive on my work computer. If there's a book I really want to read, I will take whatever format is available. I do love the e-audiobooks for the same reason! I walk on my lunch break and love to be able to continue my book on my phone.

  2. I don't remember my first audiobook but I love them all the same.

    Yes, the narrator can make or break the book. I have stopped listening to a book many times because I couldn't stand the narrator's voice or their style.
    Convenience is a huge factor to consider when discussing e-materials. It can be a big draw to get more patrons reading.

  3. The Harry Potter series read by Jim Dale were the first audiobooks I ever listened to as well! I really loved them, but I didn't subsequently become as avid an audiobook listener as you. I tend to get distracted when I try to listen to an audiobook in a setting other than when driving - I'll find myself sort of not paying attention for a few minutes because I'm doing something else, and then I have to go back and listen again. I think it's really interesting that you mention that you were listening to an audiobook while you wrote this - I wish I could do things like that, but I think I just get too distracted!

    1. There are definitely certain books I really have to pay attention to and I usually keep those in my car. Most of the books I listen to when working are lighter and don't need as much concentration.

  4. Fantastic post! I still have not listened to Jim Dale! I am so behind! Full points!

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