Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Red Noise LJ Review

Check out my newest review on Library Journal!


Seeking only the perpetual solitude of her ship and work, the Miner docks at Station 35, hoping to sell her asteroid ore and get out. When the price for her cargo is anything but fair, the Miner explores further into the confines of the station, and what she discovers forces her into the throws of an interminable and dangerous battle between rival gangs and corrupt law enforcement. When the bitter campaign between an unstable mob boss and his treacherous former second in command starts threatening the life of her only friend on the station, the Miner realizes she has a critical decision to make: leave and save herself, or use her skills with a blade to end the deadly brawl once and for all. The story that unfolds contains plenty of twists and gruesome action. The Miner’s sense of vindication and her capriciousness make her an unreliable, albeit interesting protagonist; however, the lack of further character development and depth causes the plot to remain stagnant.
VERDICT Libraries with well circulating sf collections may want this one; otherwise, pass.

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