Monday, February 28, 2022

Review: Godspeed

Godspeed Godspeed by Nickolas Butler
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Thank you to Booklist for the ARC and the opportunity to review this title.

Childhood friends Cole, Bart, and Teddy have received the opportunity of a lifetime. Their company, True Triangle Construction, has been hired by the enigmatic Gretchen to build her substantial house in the mountainous remote region near Jackson, Wyoming. However, when they arrive to tour the property, they are welcomed by a house already in progress. The mysterious withdrawal of the previous builders leaves the men hesitant to accept the job, until Gretchen lures them in with a promise of a large bonus that would mean financial security for their business and families. The only catch is the seemingly impossible deadline. Cole, Bart, and Teddy set themselves up for failure in more ways than one. Family struggles, drug addiction, exhaustion, and violence bookend the tragic journey the three friends follow throughout the novel. Butler provides well-written backstories and differing perspectives to keep the novel relatively interesting. The plot moves along at a decent pace until it reaches a horrifying and out-of-the-blue climax that will throw every reader for a loop.

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