Thursday, January 26, 2023

Review: Breakfall

Breakfall Breakfall by Zhanna Slor
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Thank you to Booklist for the ARC and the opportunity to review this title.

Mina Bansky, writer and mother, is still dealing with the consequences of her infidelity and subsequent divorce. Even her beloved Jiu Jitsu class at the gym down the street can no longer lift her spirits. When two Chicago detectives show up looking for Dylan, a friend from Mina's gym, and the van she let him register in her name, Mina’s life soon becomes even more chaotic. Dylan’s disappearance makes everyone at the gym a suspect, further distancing Mina from her old life. While intended to be part thriller, part romance, in reality Breakfall focuses mainly on Mina’s inner turmoil, her sexual desire, lack of control, and the self imposed destruction of her life, with just a sprinkle of mystery. While Dylan’s disappearance happens early on, it's not until the very end that the reader learns what happened; the wrap up taking place in just a few pages. The story would have been stronger if it had worked out Mina’s issues. The novel doesn't really work as a thriller, but, Slor’s writing style is absorbing and suggests better books may be in the offing from her. Copyright 2023 Booklist Reviews.

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