Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Review: A River Called Time

A River Called Time A River Called Time by Courttia Newland
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Thank you to Library Journal for the ARC and the opportunity to review this title.

Set in a dystopian London parallel, A River Called Time uncovers the truth about the Ark, a structure built to provide a haven for the aristocracy but is revealed to be so much more disturbing. Markriss Denny has worked hard to win a spot inside the Ark. His enthusiasm wanes immediately when his assigned job revolves around political uprising and government deception. Markriss’ only path ahead is to embrace a newly discovered secret; the ability to leave his body and experience parallel universes beyond physical limitations.

Newland’s premise and his alternative world where Africa was not part of European colonization are both intriguing, however the plot is slow going and never quite reaches the potential teased from the beginning. Newland’s writing is stylish but tends to be overly descriptive, making the explanation of Markriss’ travels to parallel universes confusing and hard to follow. Markriss is a difficult protagonist to connect with, only adding to the disjointed feel of the book. Clearly a missed opportunity on the author’s part. Library collections should pass on this one.

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