Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Review: Strange Sally Diamond

Strange Sally Diamond Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Thank you to Booklist for the ARC and the chance to review this title!

When Sally’s father tells her to put him out with the trash when he dies, she takes him literally. Now she’s the center of attention and can’t understand why. Sally has always been strange and reclusive, but now she is forced to live on her own, become part of society, and learn to make friends. While going through her father’s belongings, she discovers more questions than answers about her own past. After she receives messages from a stranger claiming to know everything about her, Sally’s life is thrown into a downward spiral. The plot is slow-moving but involving, and Sally is endearing and likable. The concept that “it takes a village to raise a child” is a driving force behind Sally’s growth and provides a welcome bright spot in the darkness. Nugent writes relatable, imperfect characters, and her portrayal of Sally’s neurodivergence allows a look into the struggles of daily life that most take for granted. This well-written, engaging novel isn’t for the light of heart, but it will find a home with readers who thrive on intricate plotlines and character development. Booklist 2023

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