Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Review: Family Family

Family Family Family Family by Laurie Frankel
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

Thank you so much to Henry Holt & Co. and Library Journal for the ARC and the opportunity to review this title!

Frankel (One Two Three) has written a funny, heart-wrenching, deeply personal story about the meaning of family and holding fast to one’s beliefs. India Allwood has been a talented, determined actress from a young age. She works her way from stage plays in college to Broadway and finally to a TV role in Hollywood. After starring in a melodramatic movie about adoption, India tells a reporter that she believes the film misrepresents adoption; as an adoptive mother herself, India knows firsthand that not every such story is tragic. The media feedback to India’s interview is ruthless, and soon secrets from her past come to light. Suddenly her career is at risk, and India must decide if she wants to save face or continue defending her choices. India is the star of Frankel’s novel, but the supporting characters are warm and vibrant, each getting their own opportunity to shine. VERDICT Highly recommended for fans of Frankel and those who enjoy literary fiction featuring witty dialogue and thought-provoking topics. Reviewed by Carmen Clark , Nov 01, 2023

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