Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sunday's Super Secret Shopper Summary

See the source image

The librarian who fell for my sneaky secret shopper alter ego did a great job. I went in knowing I would most likely get at least one good recommendation. I also expected to be in and out in a tight 5 minutes. The librarian who helped actually spent a significant amount of time with me and gave 6 recommendations, all worth while. They asked questions, used some great resources, and even gave me some personal suggestions near the end. The whole experience was very positive. I left with a high level of respect for the library and the librarian.


  1. Excellent! Did you approach them or did they approach you? What were some of the most beneficial questions she asked to get you to 6 good recommendations?

    1. Hi Jennifer! I actually approached them. The librarian asked about genres to get things started, which was fortuitous considering that's what we've all been studying. Most of their questions had to do with what I've already read and liked. Some of the recommendations were personal from the librarian.

  2. How awesome that you had a good interaction. Mine was mediocre, and I know that everyone has bad days, but it so encouraging to hear about good experiences. Did you end up getting a book you like?

    1. I didn't end up checking anything out because I don't live in the county where this library was located. Since I work for the library in my town, I had to navigate outside my county limits. I did mention that I prefer to use Hoopla or OverDrive for my audiobooks.

  3. Awesome interaction! Its great that you were able to get so many recommendations from one interaction. Did you go in with a recent title, a genre or just wide open this is what I like?

    1. I actually went in asking for audiobooks! The librarian started our conversation asking about my favorite genres, so that was helpful.
